Paper Format
The submitted paper must be formatted according to the guidelines of ACFTI author guidelines, MS Word Template, Latex.
Paper Length
Submitted technical papers must be no longer than 6 pages including all figures, tables and references.
Paper Submission
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the online conference management system in PDF format before the deadline. All questions about submissions should be emailed to:
cfati[at]conceptechint[dot ]net with subject [CFATI 2020 Workshop]
CLICK HERE to submit your workshop paper
The submission processes will be managed by If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account by clicking “ I have no EasyChair account” button. Upon completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you are ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to the system by the submission due date.
All the accepted original papers as for preprint will be available through our CFATI website as a digital book with an ISBN number. We can also invite accepted short papers if the authors can extend their manuscripts to be suitable for the special issue through a full review process. We will ask the authors to improve their accepted papers within one month after finishing the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for free without the need for in-person participation (remote participation is possible).
Selective Outstanding Papers
Selected papers presented at the workshop, after further revision, will have the opportunity to be published in special issues in indexed and/or high impact factor journals. Each extended paper should have at least 60% of new material and will be sent through a review process to ensure the quality of contributions. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
All accepted authors will be eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
International Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations (Open Access)
The submitted paper must be formatted according to the guidelines of ACFTI author guidelines, MS Word Template, Latex.
Paper Length
Submitted technical papers must be no longer than 6 pages including all figures, tables and references.
Paper Submission
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the online conference management system in PDF format before the deadline. All questions about submissions should be emailed to:
cfati[at]conceptechint[dot ]net with subject [CFATI 2020 Workshop]
CLICK HERE to submit your workshop paper
The submission processes will be managed by If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account by clicking “ I have no EasyChair account” button. Upon completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you are ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and re-upload the paper to the system by the submission due date.
All the accepted original papers as for preprint will be available through our CFATI website as a digital book with an ISBN number. We can also invite accepted short papers if the authors can extend their manuscripts to be suitable for the special issue through a full review process. We will ask the authors to improve their accepted papers within one month after finishing the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for free without the need for in-person participation (remote participation is possible).
Selective Outstanding Papers
Selected papers presented at the workshop, after further revision, will have the opportunity to be published in special issues in indexed and/or high impact factor journals. Each extended paper should have at least 60% of new material and will be sent through a review process to ensure the quality of contributions. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
- Symmetry — Open Access Journal (IF: 2.143) by MDPI
- Electronics — Open Access Journal (IF: 1.764) by MDPI
- Applied Sciences — Open Access Journal (IF: 2.217) by MDPI
- Mathematics — Open Access Journal (IF: 1.105) by MDPI
- Sensors — Open Access Journal (IF: 3.031) by MDPI
- CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua — Open Access Journal (IF: 3.024) by Tech Science Press
All accepted authors will be eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
International Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations (Open Access)